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The Driver’s License Suspension Reform Act

On Behalf of | Jan 11, 2024 | Traffic Violations

What is the DLSRA?
The main component of the Driver’s License Suspension Reform Act (DLSRA)
essentially ends driver’s license suspensions for unpaid traffic tickets. Under the new Act, the
Court must give the driver the option of paying their traffic ticket through an installment
payment plan.

How much are the monthly installments?
The monthly payments under the plan cannot exceed 2 percent of the person’s monthly
net income, or $25 a month, whichever is greater. If the person’s income changes, they can
petition the court at anytime in order to reduce their monthly payments. The court is required to
notify drivers who receive a traffic ticket of their right to enter into an installment plan to pay off
the ticket.

How can I use the DLSRA to prevent my license from getting suspended?
It is important that you still respond to a traffic ticket. If you fail to appear in court, or
otherwise respond to the ticket, your license can still be suspended for failure to answer. In the
past, many people would avoid going to court on traffic tickets because they couldn’t afford to
pay the fine. The new law allows these people to enter into an affordable payment plan in order
to keep their license.

What other changes were made by the DLSRA?
The new law now gives the judge the discretion to reduce or waive a fine or surcharge.
Therefore, you or your attorney could make this request if you are unable to afford to pay your
ticket or other exceptional circumstances warrant these fees being waived.
It also requires the court to notify you of your next court date at least one week in
advance. This notice will be mailed to the address on file with the DMV so it is important you
keep this information updated.

What if my license is already suspended for failure to answer or pay a fine?
It is now possible to get your suspension lifted by going to the DMV or the courts you
have outstanding tickets in and requesting to be put on a payment plan.

What about other types of suspensions?
The new law only effects suspensions for failure to answer or pay a fine. The DMV can
still suspend your license for other reasons such as having 11 or more points within 18 months,
failure to pay child support, or driving while intoxicated.

Why is it important I keep my license clear?
Driving on a suspended license can result in misdemeanor or even felony level charges
depending on the number of suspensions the driver has. A person on probation or parole who
drives on a suspended license could receive a violation and end up incarcerated. If the police stop
you and no one in the vehicle has a valid license, the police will tow your vehicle. Prior to
towing the vehicle, the police are permitted to search it which could result in additional criminal
charges if there is contraband in the vehicle. Finally, the vehicle may be impounded resulting in
high fees to the impound lot before the vehicle is returned to you.